Sunday, November 2, 2008

Current research students and staff (Dec 2009)

Research Fellows
Dr Ding Zhongqiang (Embedded systems for human motion replication)
Dr Lim Chee Kian (Ultrasonic motors and spherical motors)
Dr Peter Luo Zhiqiang (Human robot interaction)
Dr Yan Liang (Spherical motors and actuators)

Research Associate
Yang Wei-Ting (Motion replication algorithms)

Project Officers
Gu Chao (InteraceSuit hardware)
Li Kang (SmartGlove)
John Nguyen Kim Doang (SmartSuit)
Tee Ke Yeng (Co-space visualization and interaction design)

PhD student
Guo Wenjiang (Nano precision surface feature detection)
Lee Shang Ping (Human motion replication)

Teo Tat Joo (PhD 2009)
Tang Xueyan (PhD 2007)
Ni Wei (PO 2009)